The Pirates of Silicon Valley Analysis


This is a semi-humorous biographical film about the men who made the world of technology. The movie “Pirates of the Silicon Valley” is a 1999 made-for-television film directed by Martyn Burke and based on the book Fire in the Valley. The film documents the impact of the rivalry between Apple Computer and Microsoft on the development of the personal computer. It will depicts the life and works of the two famous and remarkable persons in the field of computer technology: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

The movie emphasized the negative qualities of the two gentlemen that are now having big names worldwide. Despite of the unenthusiastic attitude of Steve Jobs to his team and co-founders, he still managed to uplift and give a renowned recognition of the Apple Company. On the other hand, Bill Gates also tried to put everyone down who are in the same business even though Microsoft at first was an underdog. Still, he survived and also made Microsoft as a threatening counterpart to Apple.

Moreover, the movie highlighted on how Apple grabbed the idea of the Graphic User Interface from Xerox, how Microsoft purchased the first Disk Operating System from an underground programmer, and how will Bill Gates developed Windows behind Steve Job’s back. For the reasons, the revolutionaries were depicted by the title movie itself as The Pirates of Silicon Valley. That’s why we all know, this was the reason why they are the richest person in the world.

What was really amazing about the film was that the two contenders actually worked together until Steve Jobs realized that Bill Gates developed Windows using the software that apple had programmed for their computers.The movie is really interesting for it caters the audience not only the development of the two largest company but also the curious students specially like me.

Success comes if there is persistence and determination onto something that you wanted to attain. It usually happens to those people who do not know the words “give up” and “failure”. The ones who always set in mind that everything happens for a reason and that their dreams were never built without them having the will of achieving it. Most of the prominent citizens in modern century did not achieve something without experiencing failures. As what Confucius says, “Our greatest glory is not in ever falling but in rising every time we fall”

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